July 9, 2009
July 8, 2009
Jordana (left) has a shot other teams fear, but it was a member of this blue team, the Blue Balls, that Anjhela should have feared. She got hit in the face with a slapshot and has a cut on her nose to prove it.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Existing ISO: 800 Exposure: f2.8 @ 1/125 sec. (left) and 1/200 sec. (right)
July 7, 2009
July 6, 2009
July 5, 2009
Gloria found four barn kittens in a trailer on her property, and they were very adorable. They've since been taken to a wild animal rescue charity, but they were fun while we knew them.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Existing ISO: 100 Exposure: f5.6 @ 1/400 sec.
July 4, 2009
Thank you to everyone who came to my show Saturday, and to those who continue to come. If you haven't seen it, and have been following my work here, you have to see the show. It's great to see the work large and in a gallery; Bliss Studio is open weekends with the show coming down July 26.
There will be more shows, too. I'm already planning! If you can think of a good venue where my work would be appreciated, comment here or send me a note...
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 Light: Existing ISO: 400 Exposure: f0 @ 1/80 sec.
July 3, 2009
A line from Hamlet, which Anjhela is studying for her Shakespeare summer class. I didn't know that was where the quote was from when I thought of it for this photo. This is what the beds look like at Bonnie Doone Manor-on-the-Beach in Grand Bend. All new beds and linens after a small fire caused smoke and water damage in March. Looks amazing there.
After 200 days of this project, I'm inspired to get some sleep. It was a late one last night getting ready for my show tomorrow. Still some finishing touches to do, but it looks amazing. I hope you'll come!
Bliss Studio, right at the four-way stop sign when you come into Port Franks from MacPherson's. I'm there and Anjhela's playing music from 2-6 p.m.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.4 Light: Existing ISO: 400 Exposure: f5.6 @ 1/200 sec.
July 2, 2009
Mini-flowers, or weeds as some people consider them, are great in macro. I've been hoping to find a good way to shoot these little guys for weeks, and finally got this. It's my tribute to Michael Jackson.
BTW, show's on Saturday. Bliss, Port Franks, 2 p.m. Be there!
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 Light: Existing ISO: 400 Exposure: f0 @ 1/80 sec.
July 1, 2009
June 30, 2009
Anjhela caught the bouquet at her cousin Laura Michielsen's wedding to Philip Kingston. The flowers are quite beautiful.
Gave a sneak preview of my show to my friend Kaz from Toronto today, and the show looks great. It's one thing to see these photos on the screen, but a completely different thing to see them large. I've never printed any of my photos at 16x20, and you really must come and see them to appreciate the way they look big. The show opens Saturday at Bliss Studio in Port Franks.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF Light: ISO: Exposure: f @ sec.
June 29, 2009
June 28, 2009
June 27, 2009
Nude boys and a picture frame. (Guess they're actually cherubim, but...) Photos from Marcela Bahar's home (Bohemian Cinderella) from the Grand Bend Horticultural Society's Festival of Homes, Gardens, and Arts.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.4 (left) and 16-35mm f2.8 (right) Light: Speedlite ISO: 400 Exposure: f4 @ 1/60 sec.
June 26, 2009
These are balls of chicken wire from Geri Binks' art installation at Purdy's Landing, where I host my photography classes. The balls will only be there until tomorrow, for the Grand Bend Horticultural Society's Festival of Homes, Gardens and Arts. Be there!
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Existing ISO: 100 Exposure: f2.8 @ 1/2000 sec.
June 25, 2009
June 24, 2009
Sue, a woman on Anjhela's ball hockey team (the Black Snappers), could probably use this as evidence that she didn't mean to break this girl's stick, despite the victim's team's claims. I doubt I'll be getting a subpoena for this photo any time soon.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Existing ISO: 800 Exposure: f3.2 @ 1/200 sec.
June 23, 2009
After living for almost a year with someone else's toilet seat et al, we finally replaced the seat today. For $15. Um, why did I think it was going to cost like $50? Should have done that when we first moved in. After all, it was wood. No offence to the person who bought it. I mean, it's offensive, but no offence.
I was going to take a picture of the new seat, but figured it might turn people off this blog forever. Not that the thought of it might not.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 Light: Speedlite ISO: 200 Exposure: f0 @ 1/250 sec.
June 22, 2009
That reminds me of CKCO friend Stephanie Watson and her radio show, where she played all of the latest hits from England. Some crossed the pond and became big hits, while others couldn't cut it. I still listen to some of that these days, usually on Virgin Radio through iTunes. Reminds me of the old days in London and living beside a highway. Likely got some long-term illness from it, but I've cleansed enough times that it shouldn't be a problem...
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 28-80mm f3.5-5.6 Light: Existing ISO: 200 Exposure: f0 @ 1/250 sec.