March 8, 2009
March 7, 2009
March 6, 2009

Right Side of the Tracks
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Existing ISO: 400 Exposure: f2.2 @ 1/60 sec.
March 5, 2009
March 4, 2009
This is what it is like to look through my Crown Graphic 4x5 camera. This photo was inspired by the work of Lana Slezic, an amazing photographer and fellow Loyalist College graduate who works in Afghanistan.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.4 Light: Cameron hotlight ISO: 400 Exposure: f2.8 @ 1/80 sec.
March 3, 2009
One of only a handful of topless photos on this blog. I'm sure my hot bod will draw lots of visitors!
If you'd rather see yourself topless on here, let me know.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Three off-camera flashes ISO: 400 Exposure: f8 @ 1/125 sec.
March 2, 2009
March 1, 2009
Make your party pop in a jiffy with Jiffy Pop! This party was popping; as you can see from the reactions on people's faces, the Jiffy wasn't so spiffy. Doesn't help that it had expired a year ago. It was a great party, so thank you to Lina and Greg!
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8 Light: Existing ISO: 800 Exposure: f4 @ 1/80 sec.
February 28, 2009
February 27, 2009
February 26, 2009
Gino Costello. "They call me the Godfather," Costello, who hails from Calabrese, Italy, says after I stop him on Richmond Street in London this afternoon. "They say I could pass for Marlon Brando because of the way I dress." Costello is on his way to drop a sub off to a colleague at Poacher's Arms, where he cleans floors. "This is the way I dress when I do the floors," he says, " because I deal with the public."
Camera: Crown Graphic Lens: Xenar 135 f4.7 Light: Existing ISO: T-Max 400 Exposure: f8 @ 1/250 sec. (accidentally overexposed)
February 25, 2009
February 24, 2009
February 23, 2009
Hannah Michielsen. Far from your typical definition of blue-haired lady, Hannah shows her moves in this ball gown. EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention: Hair by Rachel Michielsen, makeup by Jessica Michielsen.
Camera: Canon EOS D30 Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.4 Light: Two Cameron hotlights ISO: 200 Exposure: f5.6 @ 1/100 sec.
February 22, 2009
Anjhela Michielsen. Got a request to do an art show today, which was one of the goals of this project. I'll have more details when it starts to come together, but it's certainly a breakthrough for me!
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8 Light: Cameron hotlight ISO: 200 Exposure: f4 @ 1/80 sec.
February 21, 2009
Shay-Z. Got my new camera today after the other one basically imploded. This is one of the first photos with the Canon 50D (which is a dream, by the way), and features fashion by Joanne Price, who knitted this sweater for Shay-Z; mom delivered it today, so thank you to Joanne - it looks great!
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.4 Light: Cameron hotlight ISO: 200 Exposure: f4 @ 1/125 sec.
February 20, 2009
Rachel Michielsen as Twiggy. This is our twist on the Barry Lategan photo (see uncropped version here), inspired by the fact that Rachel cut her hair Twiggy short. You'll note the white spot at the top: I must have burnt out one of the other shots in my six-pack Grafmatic, and it bled through to the others. This is the most unaffected negative, and it also happened to be my favourite photo of the group.
Hair by Rachel Michielsen. Makeup by Jessica Michielsen.
Camera: Crown Graphic Lens: Xenar f4.7 Light: Cameron hotlight ISO: T-Max 100 Exposure: f8 @ 1/25 sec.
February 19, 2009
Hannah Michielsen. My camera died today. Seriously dead. After four years of hard service, I will miss my 20D. But can I afford to buy a new one? I can't afford to be without one. Thankfully, my trusty backup from 2002 is filling in the blanks nicely. Thank you, D30!
Camera: Canon EOS D30 Lens: Canon EF 50mm f1.4 Light: Two Cameron hotlights ISO: 200 Exposure: f4 @ 1/125 sec.