September 16, 2009
September 15, 2009
September 14, 2009
Rob Arnel of Thedford wins the outlaw class in Western Ontario Outlaw lawnmower racing.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 100mm f2 Light: Existing ISO: 100 Exposure: f16 @ 1/50 sec.
September 13, 2009
Zander Kerr of Petrolia helps pit at the Lawnmower Races put on by Western Ontario Outlaws.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8 Light: Existing ISO: 200 Exposure: f8 @ 1/250 sec.
September 12, 2009
Thedford, Ontario. It's surprising how much lens correction this needed to straighten. I'd never noticed it before, but this lens doesn't seem to do well with straight lines. Maybe it's just me.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8 Light: Existing ISO: 100 Exposure: f8 @ 1/250 sec.
September 11, 2009
September 10, 2009
The Hill
University College, home of Angela's faculty at UWO.
Camera: Crown Graphic Lens: Xenar 135mm f4.7 Light: Existing ISO: T-Max 100 Exposure: f16 @ 1/100 sec.
September 9, 2009
September 8, 2009
September 7, 2009
September 6, 2009
It's October and I'm only now catching up to posting photos from September. Better late than never, I guess, but I almost gave up on this project. Was still doing photos, but with school, found it hard to find time to develop and post. Hope you enjoy.
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 28-80 mm f3.5-5.6 Light: Speedlite ISO: 400 Exposure: f0 @ 1/100 sec.
September 5, 2009
September 4, 2009
September 3, 2009
September 2, 2009
Quinn Burlington will be 11 months next week, but he's pretty much walking on his own. The only catch is getting up without support, but he can walk quite far by himself. They grow up so fast! (This is from last night's shoot, but it was too cute not to share.)
Camera: Canon EOS 50D Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f2.8 Light: Existing ISO: 200 Exposure: f8 @ 1/60 sec.
September 1, 2009
August 31, 2009
August 30, 2009
August 29, 2009
Camera: Holga 120N Light: Existing ISO: Fuji Provia 100F Exposure: sunny setting