Dedicated to "A Former Student", who responded to my survey.
Keble College was the first college I visited when I came to Oxford last week, and it's a beauty. That said, it's much different than the other colleges in terms of its architecture; it was very controversial for its break from tradition when it was built. It was once considered by those in Oxford "the ugliest building in the world". The chapel, however, is a huge attraction because it houses a famous painting called The Light of the World by William Holman Hunt, also the source of some controversy. According to my tour leader, when he discovered that the college was charging to see the painting (he himself was asked to buy a ticket), he was so furious that he painted another, bigger version that now hangs at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. I can't find a source to verify this story (some say he believed the college was hiding it from the public), so don't take it as the final word.